Monday, March 29, 2010

What We've Been Up To

So, seeing as it's been quite awhile since either Morgan or I have posted I thought it would be only fitting to give you a short recap of what we're been up to, and why we haven't been posting anything. I'll address the later first.

Why haven't we posted anything in SO long? The answer is simple: school. Yes, school has been taking up the vast majority of my time recently. There was the huge research project to be done (posted Mar 22), a lot of tests to be taken, a lot of studying to be done, and a lot of stressing out to be done, followed by lengthy periods of extreme lethargy. But now, all of that madness is over (at least for 80 days anyways) because the quarter is over. No more finals or tests for quite some time now, and I will relish every moment of the freedom!

The other day I was thinking about my future... and I realized that there will come a time in my life in which I will never have to study or take another exam ever again. The past 16 years of my life have been centered around getting an education, studying for exams, taking exams, etc. I honestly have no clue what I am going to do with myself when that day comes. Maybe I will be stuck in a perpetual college limbo? Go to school, get a degree, graduate, repeat? Ah well. I'm sure that I will take it all in stride when it comes along. Just an interesting thought I deemed worthy of sharing.

But now, back to what we've been up to. For the most part as I said, its been my education. But in between study cram sessions and periods of extreme laziness Mo and I found ourselves prone to long and aimless walks. I'm not quite sure when I grew so fond of walking, but there is something about just walking out a door with no set time or location in which to travel that is so... exhilarating. Not to mention that fact that its been in the upper 50s in Spokane for the past few weeks. I don't know. Maybe half of the fun came from shirking study duties periodically, if not for a few hours... I guess only time will tell. But I think I've become quite the walker. :)

In terms of our environmentally conscious ways, although our posting may have taken a break- our green habits certainly did not. Mo and I are still vegetarian, and going strong. We've been careful to eat a balanced diet and after over 2 months now there have been no repercussions health wise. We are thinking about taking a reprieve over spring break- but after that we will most likely return to a meat free diet. I have been craving a BLT sandwich something fierce for the past few days. In addition to our diet, we've been avidly recycling around the house, keeping up with out shorter showers, turning off lights, adjusting the thermostat down a few degrees during the hotter parts of the day, etc.

Well, I've about warn out all of my topics for discussion today. I'll write again soon.

- Amber

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