Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This past weekend, Morgan and I went for a hike up Mt. Spokane. Although the temperatures were close to freezing, and the trails were covered with snow and ice- we had a lot of fun. So, for today's article I decided that I will share some of my pictures of the great out of doors, as opposed to talking about current news in the environmental community. Because why are we rallying for better emission standards and smaller carbon footprints? To protect the Earth, to protect nature, and to protect future generations. That is why it is so important to get outside and enjoy nature. Not only does going on hikes and walks outside give you a chance to take in the world around you, but it is also good for your health; and may help promote the protection of wildlife and national parks so that you can continue these activities!

Here we are, Amber on the Left and Morgan on the Right.

As I said, the hike was a lot of fun and a great way to spend a weekend. Mt. Spokane is a fairly short distance away from our house, so in less than an hour we were out the door and on the mountain. We hiking 2 miles each direction, and weather permitting we would have gone even farther. We are already chomping at the bit for all of the snow and ice to melt so that we can go on more hiking and camping trips. National parks and wildlife reserves are there for a reason, and you should get out and enjoy them! 

- Amber

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