Friday, February 26, 2010

Hybrid Buses

This may not be news to some people, but the other day I was going on a walk and I was surprised to see a hybrid bus. I had seen the blue/green buses around town before but I'd never taken the time to read the side. They are hybrids, running on a diesel/electrical blend the buses are surprisingly fuel efficient and environmentally friendly (at least in comparison to their non-hybrid counterparts). Picture below:

Hybrid Bus

I had never heard of a hybrid bus before, but I think it is a fabulous idea. Not only does it mix the standard fuel efficiency of public transportation with low cost, it also adds in the extra bonus of lower emissions and less gas consumption. According to the website:
  • The battery is located on the top of the vehicle, towards the back, and can generate enough power to completely sustain the bus at speeds around 10 miles per hour and lower. This may seem like a small contribution, but buses make a lot of slow stops and starts, and that is when this battery comes into play.
  • The braking system is a fairly new technology called, "regenerative breaking" where the traction is actually harnessed to help recharge the battery and helps the bus slow down much quicker than the leading traditional diesel-only bus.
  • The bus is suspected to save over 35 thousand gallons of fuel over its 12 year life expectancy.
  • Over the 12 years, the bus is expected to emit 352 tons less carbon dioxide
Currently in Spokane, WA there are nine hybrid buses. The first bus was introduced in October of 2007 and the Spokane Transit Authority is looking to go even greener in the future. 

And on a broader scale, it turns out that green buses have been in use all around the nation since the early 2000s. With almost 400 of them delivered to New York, New York in 2005 and 214 to Seattle, Washington. Across the nation, dozens of cities have turned to cleaner energy for their public transportation. 

And its a good thing too, because according to the EESI, 60% of the transit trips taken in the US every year are by bus, 84% of which are powered by diesel engines. The EESI website also says that the buses can emit up to 75% less greenhouse gases when used effectively, and have the lowest carbon dioxide emission rating of all vehicles in its class. As an added bonus, the buses also have a much smoother acceleration, have a much quieter engine, and an extended break life.

Any way you look at it, hybrid buses are a great idea and an excellent option for public transportation. They have been proven to have lower emission rates, fuel consumptions, and even cost over some bus models. I hope that this technology will catch on even more, and that within a few years there are no non-hybrid buses. Here's to a greener future...

- Amber 

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